Asher Sund

About S. Asher Sund

S. Asher Sund’s grew up in Olympia, WA, spent many of his early adult years in Portland, OR, and now makes Ojai, CA, his home. With a Ph.D. in Mythological Studies and an M.F.A. in Fiction, he teaches creative writing and fiction (among other classes) at Ventura College and on the local naval base.

His fiction and poetry have been published in Narrative Magazine, Kenyon Review, Mississippi Review, Juked, Willow Springs, and Briar Cliff Review, among many others. A few years back, he won the Marjorie J. Wilson Award, judged by Joyce Carol Oates, for his prose poem, “12 Steps of a Tradeshow Junkie.”

Sund also creates and produces a variety of projects, including music, films, and spoken word pieces.